- Des Moines, Bridgewood Drive - We have Giant Flemish rabbits for sale.
- Sioux, 18th St. - We have six Holland Lop bunnies (five girls and one boy).
- Iowa, Dubuque St. - We have Blanc de Hotot rabbits for sale.
- Marshalltown, Coppock Park Rd. - Meet our pretty Angora rabbits (American Fuzzy Lops).
- Decorah, West Broadway St. - We have two Dwarf Hotots for sale (one girl and one boy).
- Fort Madison, 14th St. - Meet Pipo: the most unique Harlequin you can find!
- Iowa, Galway Court - We have Palomino rabbits for sale.
- Ames, Abraham Drive - Come take our beautiful Silver Fox rabbit with you today.
Des Moines, Bridgewood Drive - We have Giant Flemish rabbits for sale.

We have seven Giant Flemish rabbits for sale (five females and two males).
They are eleven weeks old and vaccinated.
Whether you would like to buy one as a pet or for its meat, take into consideration that he is a very big animal. Make sure you have a lot of space in your home if you want to buy one. It’s best if you have a house with a garden so they can have all the space they need.
Things you need to know before buying one:
- This species is a very big one so you will need to buy a big cage. Their size is influenced by the cage they are living in. You will have to cover the floor with hay and change it at least three times a week. Keeping their cage clean is extremely important for their health.
- Their diet consists of pellets, hay, fresh veggies, and fruits. Avoid feeding them rotten fruits or fruits that are in general very high in sugar because they might get diabetes. Contact a vet with whom you can talk in detail about what they should eat and not.
- They are calm and patient and in general good pets, but if you would like to introduce them to children you better keep an eye on them because they are sensitive to loud noises and they can get scared.
- These rabbits are made for competitions. You can earn a great amount of money from such activities. Who knows? Maybe yours will establish a new record.
- You can keep outside. In fact, keep them in your yard is the best idea because they require a lot of space.
If you want to buy one, or if you have any questions, contact me on this telephone number: +1 515-335-4637.
Call me only in between 9 A.M. and 7 P.M.
Make sure you are wearing a mask when coming to see them because otherwise, I won't let you in.
Sioux, 18th St. - We have six Holland Lop bunnies (five girls and one boy).
They are eight weeks old and in three weeks they would be good to go.
We will give them away with colorful collars because this is the method we use to identify them. The girls are wearing collars in red shades and the boy with a white one.
What you need to know about how to take care of a Holland Lop bunny:
- Although they are small you should buy them a cage big enough. For example, if the rabbit (a full-grown one) is 30.5 cm, you should buy him a cage that it’s at least 45,7 cm wide and 91,4 cm length.
- You can buy an indoor cage or an outside one. This one depends on the space you have. If you have a yard you should take into consideration placing the cage outside because is easier to maintain the cleaning. Just make sure you don’t expose your bunny to humidity, sun, loud noises, and damp areas.
- They need a cage with a solid floor (plastic or wood), not a wire one. Also, it will need bedding on it even if the floor is solid. The bedding should be edible since the rabbit will probably eat it, so the best option would be to cover the floor with hay.
- You will have to put into the cage a bowl of water because they need plenty of it in order to stay hydrated.
- You can place inside of the cage a litter box for them. A medium one for cats should be enough. They are extremely smart and they will go to the same place to make their needs.
- If you want to keep your bunny inside, the best choice will be to have a room just for them where they can jump around and get the exercises they need. If you would like to take this option, make sure you cover or remove all the electrical cables that your bunny might be tempted to chew.
- Their diet consists of pellets, hay, fresh veggies and fruits. Don’t try to overfeed them, especially with fruits that are high in sugar. For an exact diet, you should contact a vet or a nutritionist.
The price of a bunny is 70$.
If you have any questions, or if you are interested in buying one call me at this telephone number: +1 712-393-0033.
Call me only in between 9 A.M. and 6 P.M. If I don't respond to your call, please leave me a message so I can call you when I have time.
Iowa, Dubuque St. - We have Blanc de Hotot rabbits for sale.
We have five Blanc de Hotot rabbits for sale (three girls and two boys). I bought their parents from a friend who has rabbits for sale in Texas and some for sale in Wisconsin.
What you need to know about taking care of a Blanc de Hotot bunny:
- Because they are small they make great pets for houses and at the same time for flats because they don’t need a lot of spice. We don’t recommend keeping them in an external space because they can make easy targets for wild animals.
- The floor cage should be covered with hay. You need to clean their cage every single day because they will leave excrements everywhere, this means that you will also have to change the hay. Keeping the cage clean is extremely important for their health.
- Their diet consists of: pellets, hay and fresh veggies. Don’t try to feed them with rotten fruits or fruits that are high in sugar. Avoid even feeding them with carrots because they are high in sugar too.
- Please contact a vet with whom you can talk in detail about what they should eat and not. Also talk about how much food you need to give them because that is important too.
- They can suffer from other health diseases like other rabbits but they are not predisposed to some unique illnesses.
If you would like to come to see them please contact me on this telephone number: +1 319-452-0033.
Marshalltown, Coppock Park Rd. - Meet our pretty Angora rabbits (American Fuzzy Lops).
We have three eight-week-old Angora rabbits (specifically American Fuzzy Lops): 2 females and 1 male. If you’re looking to champion with thick and flowing rabbit fur, you’ll definitely find your happiness from these charming kittens.
Outside their hair maintenance routine, they’re pretty content to be left alone. In fact, it’s best for them to be left alone inside their cages.
Important things you need to know before buying this breed:
- This breed is sensitive to extreme environments. And, they’re not one to go easy on startling noises. Moreso, either hot or cold temperatures weaken their immune system. Placing them within a controlled environment is the best solution.
- Don’t shear this bunch more than twice in every three months. Their skin is especially sensitive. And of course, don’t expose them to the sun when sheared. That’s the golden rule.
- Keep them in separate cages; their furs tangle up when in contact.
- This bunch is especially prone to dehydration. So, go easy on the hay (despite the recommendations). Instead, increase their water supply.
- Consult the vet if you plan to add something in their diet in the future.
The price 80$ per rabbit. If you buy all three of them, I will give you a reasonable package that includes two solid cages.
If you have any questions, or if you are interested in buying one call me at this telephone number: +1 641-345-8999.
Decorah, West Broadway St. - We have two Dwarf Hotots for sale (one girl and one boy).
Take a look at our show rabbits: 2 Dwarf Hotots! They’re really cute. Besides being sweet, they’re great as show rabbits. In addition, these two furries (litter) are absolutely low-keep. Lastly, they’re great with kids around.
If you buy them today, we’ll send in one sack of high-quality pellets; it’s their favorite. These are very healthy rabbits, and vaccinated. No need to worry about the logistics.
Just a few points to remember before caring for this breed:
- They’re prone to Malocclusion. So, a regular monthly dental check is advised.
- Make sure to give them sufficient organic hay, high-quality pellets, fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, some boosters, and plenty of water.
- They’re usually uncomfortable with unclean cages. Thus, clean the cage more frequently than once a week.
Call me anytime at # +1 563-000-6800 so we can negotiate on the price.
Note: I may require a reservation fee for buyers outside the state.
Fort Madison, 14th St. - Meet Pipo: the most unique Harlequin you can find!
Cute. Weird. Funny. Headstrong, but also submissive if trained well, Pipo gallops with a celebrity personality. Whatever the case, he’ll be a great companion for you and the rest of the family (including the kids).
The reason why I’m giving away my precious Harlequin at 2 years is that I’ll be moving out of the state for my chemotherapy next month. I’m single and I can’t trust anyone to take care of him. Sure, the goodbye is not gonna go without some tears. But hell, I’ve braced for it. And, that’s life. We just had to move on.
P.S. I’m hopeful that someone out there would love my Pip the same, or even more.
Here’s what you need to know before caring for him:
- He’s happy when he eats pellets. It would be appreciated if you could go extra when feeding him pellets.
- He’s really a show rabbit who’s always hungry for attention and affection. Letting him stretch out before sleeping should be awesome. By the way, he sleeps with me.
There’s nothing more I can say about this unique charmer than I haven’t said before. Please love him dearly.
I’m giving him up for adoption. But, I’ll be needing 40$ for his travel papers, transition tools, and vitamins. This should be a big leap of transition for him.
No worries - I’ll leave my number here so we can still keep in touch in case you’ll have questions about him: +1 319-509-1231. For a close reach, don't hesitate to connect with friends who are selling rabbits near me.
Iowa, Galway Court - We have Palomino rabbits for sale.
For sale: 4 baby Palomino rabbits - all males. Rascals as they are, these 2 month-old bunnies are gentle and friendly around kids. They eat almost anything - which makes it also a bit risky if you don’t mind what they put into their mouth. Other than that, these princes are so much fun.
What you need to know on how to take care of Palomino rabbit:
- Palomino rabbits are great for either indoor or outdoor enclosures. However, they are mostly shy and gentle creatures. If you want to see their personality on full display, increase their exposure outdoors.
- This breed prefers a concentrated amount of hay in their meals. Otherwise, you can side it with some vegetables, pellets, and even fruits.
- A high fiber meal compensates for every lost energy. In the case of these kittens, you’ll need a solid amount cause they’re extremely active.
The price is $85 per rabbit.
If you want to buy one, or if you have any questions, contact me at this telephone number: +1 319-631-3629.
Please don’t forget to secure your travel pass, and wear your mask when you enter our area. It’s really strict here.
Ames, Abraham Drive - Come take our beautiful Silver Fox rabbit with you today.
Our beautiful Silver Fox is almost grown at 3 months and 2 weeks. There are just too many pets around here and we can’t afford space for another one. No worries- she’s lovable and is a really worthy first-time pet.
Her beautiful Silver Fox hair is really taken care of. We made sure of that.
What you need to know on how to take care of Silver Fox:
- Silver Foxes require space to hide, chase, and stay put. You can let them stay in both indoor and outdoor enclosures as long as it’s spacey enough. How to know if it’s spacy? If there’s much to hide.
- Organic hay should consist mostly of her meal. Avoid feeding her (and all Silver Foxes) with high-sugar vegetables like potatoes, beans, spinach, artichokes, etc.
- Silver Foxes are great mothers. For a potential mum like her, combine oats, hay, pellet, and water in a low bowl, and include it in her daily diet.
The price is 90$ for the Silver Fox.
We require reservation for the rabbit. Call telephone number: +1 515-841-0073.