- Madison, S. Paterson St. - Baby Monique: the Superstar Palomino rabbit!
- MKE, Boundary Road - A quiet Palomino rabbit for sale.
- MKE, W. Everett St. - A playful baby Palomino rabbit for sale.
- Rhinelander, Acacia Lane - Shadow: a Palomino rabbit for sale.
- Kenosha, Harrison Rd - Meet Bran.
- Green Bay, Debra Lane St. - 3 Inseparable baby Blanc de Hotot-Palomino rabbits for sale.
- Green Bay, Peachtree Lane - Meet Jinny.
- Beloit, Church St. - This is Gerard.
- New Berlin, 148th St. - Pikachu: a curious Palomino rabbit for sale.
Madison, S. Paterson St. - Baby Monique: the Superstar Palomino rabbit!

One month-old baby Monique is a certified pedigree! She’s the healthiest in the litter (even before vaccination). Meanwhile, her special features make her a superstar.
Monique carries a majestic deep Golden Orange with Cream White undercoat. The perfect thick coat notable even at her young age makes her shine even more.
In case you’re wondering why we called her Monique: she has this confident and sassy attitude that’s also gentle at play. The independent and outgoing big sister in the pack, Monique is really protective of her siblings.
Monique’s cute quirks:
- She adores Bell pepper. Make sure to add a few extra on the menu. Apparently, bell pepper excites her more than anything.
- She sorta checks on the other kits by smelling each one of them before every time she gulps down her food.
- Make sure to give her extra-stroll time outside cause she just loves to chase birds.
- During play, she stands on her hinds while hopping. Certified cute-fest!
- Available for pickup with complete vaccination and other boosters.
- 1 month and 2 weeks
For reservations and other information please contact me at this telephone number: +1-608-674-6768.
Note: More superstar rabbits like Monique are waiting for you to find them. Reach me out anytime because I can refer you to more rabbits for sale near me at the lowest price.
MKE, Boundary Road - A quiet Palomino rabbit for sale.
I haven’t named him yet. In case you should know, he’s pretty quiet, but calculative.
One day, he stayed behind in his cage. And since we didn't notice him due to his quiet nature, we closed the cage. I only found out he was in his cage the whole time when he revealed himself not through the opening, but straight through the mesh.
Yes -- he bit his way through it, leaving a perfectly-shaped hole like a master planner. We sure had to replace it with a stronger mesh wire thereafter. This baby rabbit's got a paler shade of the typical lynx. But rest assured: his coat is as coarse and thick as any Palomino rabbit's. Also, he’s healthy and easy to maintain.
Some cute quirks:
- He prefers to stay indoors. But when he wants it, he'll already be out. You'll never notice.
- This handsome boy sleeps most of the time.
- Quick grooming makes the most of his day. Just make sure to do it once a week using a soft bristle brush.
- He loves sleeping on your chest/lap.
Note: Be mindful if you have off-limit areas. This is a smart little fella who’s good at escaping.
Such a waste that I had to sell him. I'd be moving out of the state next month. And I can't take him with me.
- Available for pickup with complete vaccination and other boosters.
- 4 months and 2 weeks
For reservations and other information please contact me at this telephone number: +1 414-454-3690.
MKE, W. Everett St. - A playful baby Palomino rabbit for sale.
This cute baby boy is the most playful in the litter of 4! Apparently, he loves playing with brothers and sisters.
He is also extremely lovable and gentle with kids around. Keeping him is easy; he’s a certified pedigree with an athletic build. Just check out his deep Beige coat shade; you’ll surely fall in love.
Some cute quirks:
- Papaya as side-dish is sure to make his day.
- He hops really fast.
- Allot him time to go out and chase some birds.
- He’s particularly curious.
- Available for pickup but without vaccine.
- 1 month and 4 days
For reservations and other information please contact me at this telephone number: +1 800-890-9000.
Rhinelander, Acacia Lane - Shadow: a Palomino rabbit for sale.
We call her Shadow because she always follows her siblings around. Shadow is not one to be messed with and bullied around cause she knows her game.
Handled well, she’ll definitely give you cuddles. Certainly, she’s one loyal pedigree. Shadow stands out with her deep Brown rollback fur. She’s also uniquely heavy for her age, weighing 8 pounds.
Shadow’s cute quirks:
- Shadow loves fruits in her diet. We’re a bit concerned that it’s adding up to her weight. So we’re starting to lessen fruit from her meals. You can continue with at most 10-20% of fruit in it.
- She’ll follow you around. Actually, she follows anyone who gets her attention.
- For a creature as smart as Shadow, a game of tag would be fun.
- Available for pickup with complete vaccination and other boosters.
- 2 months and 5 days
For reservations and other information please contact me at this telephone number: +1 715-271-6998.
Kenosha, Harrison Rd - Meet Bran.
The most playful and active rabbit in the litter, baby Bran is a force of nature. He can be quite a handful as he doesn’t stay put. This should be a good sign that this bunny is healthy. Unfortunately, keeping him in a small space can be an absolute riot. He aggressively mounts on every standing opportunity he sees - siding of the litter box, his sisters, etc.
While playful, he’s also the friendliest cutie among them. A lot of baby Palomino rabbits available in the state of Alabama appear to be as cute as Bran. You might wanna check them out too.
Thankfully, he’s fine medium pale Beige-colored fur does not require much grooming. And, he’s not picky with his food. Moreover, Bran's safe with kids around. Therefore, he should make a great pet.
Some cute quirks:
- Bran’s just hyper-active.
- He’s super-curious.
- Everything about him is super. He can be super sweet, lovable, and friendly too like a dog.
What you need to know before buying him:
- He just can’t be left alone. If you leave him, he'd be crying out the whole night. He just loves to be carried around and brought to places. Apparently, he’s an extremely social bunny.
- Bran is litter-trained. You can leave in a room with another bunny and a litter box and that should be enough.
- Available for pickup with complete vaccination and other boosters.
- 2 months
For reservations and other information please contact me at this telephone number: +1 262-345-7300.
Green Bay, Debra Lane St. - 3 Inseparable baby Blanc de Hotot-Palomino rabbits for sale.
Meet our three baby Palomino rabbits - 1 girl and 2 boys. We’re selling them together because they just can’t stay apart. Now, the only lady in the litter has the prettiest eyes (we’ve no names for them).
Her eyes are unusual, but not really strange. Actually, she bears the powerful eyeliner feature from her mom- a Blanc de Hotot. And yes, this litter of wonder is a cross between Palomino and Blanc de Hotot!
Now, the other two baby bunny boys bear a lighter Beige to Cream undercoat. However, they don’t exhibit the exact eye feature their sister has. In addition, all three bear the commercial body type and coat color indicative of the Palomino breed.
Maintaining these three together is not a problem cause they go along extremely well. Also, they’re not picky with their food. Finally, once-a-week grooming should do them good.
Some cute quirks:
- All three sleep and wake up simultaneously.
- They love love curling up like balls when huddled together.
- Sleeping makes most of their day.
- Available for pickup with complete vaccination and other boosters.
- 2 months and 4 days
For reservations and other information please contact me at this telephone number: +1 920-879-4900.
Green Bay, Peachtree Lane - Meet Jinny.
Jinny here (aged 2 months) is a precious little thing. An extremely lovable, smart and playful Palomino bunny who loves to be around kids, baby Jinny is sure to lighten up your day.
In addition, she loves to ball up on your lap and stay there the whole time. This behavior by Jinny made her an instant pal for our other pets, her brothers Doggos and Purr (both are 3 year-old Pomeranians). She loves cuddling with them too.
Jinny’s cute quirks:
- Jinny loves to stare at herself in the mirror.
- She sleeps midway through her meal. We thought she had some health problems. Thankfully, the vet assured us that she’s healthy.
- Jinny snores!
Let me emphasize this: Jinny’s super-sweet and playful. Plus, she’s really pretty with her thick Creamy Orange overcoat. In terms of body shape, she bears an exaggerated commercial body type. Thus, Jinny is extremely rounded and supple from her hind legs all the way to her back. Are you a sucker for big-rounded Palomino rabbits? I know more rabbits for sale in Arkansas that are sure to get your attention.
- Available for pickup with complete vaccination and other boosters.
- 2 months and 2 weeks
For reservations and other information please contact me at this telephone number: +1 920-657-2000.
Beloit, Church St. - This is Gerard.
Gerard is particularly built. He may actually look like a full Palomino buck; but, he’s really just 3 months old. We called him Gerard from actor Gerard Butler who’s really firm in the film 300 (apart from the fact that my mom adores him). Gerard is obviously, as firm, as hung, and as massive as Gerard Butler’s Leonidas (harhar).
By the looks of it, Gerard wears the usual deep-Beige to Brown overcoat that’s layered with dark points. Both his front and hind legs appear muscular, thick, and solid.
We had to sell him because we’re moving in other foster rabbits. And, he’s aggressively territorial.
Gerard’s cute quirks:
- He’s so big and heavy that you’ll have to damage-proof his home (no, he’s not obese, just big-boned).
- We noticed that he’s smart and trainable. Eventually, we trained him to fetch with great ease.
- Whenever he’s alone, he gives out melodious chirps, like he’s singing.
Notes about Gerard: He can be possessive and aggressively territorial. Thus, he should best fit a home only for himself.
Around kids: He should be sweet and lovable around them. Just don’t leave them unsupervised.
- Available for pickup with complete vaccination and other boosters.
- 3 months and 1 week
For reservations and other information please contact me at this telephone number: +1 608-345-4039.
New Berlin, 148th St. - Pikachu: a curious Palomino rabbit for sale.
Meet Pikachu: the adventurous, most curious rabbit in the bunch! Having said that, let it also be known that he’s truly independent. Fortunately, he’s not that much of a maintenance.
You can just leave him in his cage, give him food, and he’ll be fine. In fact, he even does exercises on his own by running around the cage. Just remember to house him in a cage enough for him to stretch his bones. His thick Orange-colored coat is laid back and soft; he doesn’t need much grooming.
Pikachus’ cute quirks:
- He’s a big sucker for Timothy hay.
- Rearranging things in the house on a daily basis piques Pikachu’s curiosity. Thus, this should be a total exercise for him.
- Pikachu loves licking plastic cellophane like it’s an ice cream. Really weird!
- He drinks a lot of water. At times, he’ll look at you like a slobbery pork.
- He’s really lovable and sweet with kids.
- Available for pickup with complete vaccination and other boosters.
- 4 months and 5 days
For reservations and other information please contact me at this telephone number: +1 262-267-8437.
Best diet for these Palomino rabbits:
- Their diet consists of 20% pellets, 10-15% fruits, 30% leafy greens, 30-40% vegetables.