Breeding season is year-round and can occur at any time of the day.
Three criteria should be fulfilled before you breed your rabbits:
● First, the doe must have no more than one litter in four months;
● Second, the buck must not have bred within the same four-month period,
● And third, both doe and buck should be at least six months old.
However, breeders may override these rules for particular circumstances, such as a small breeding area or disease outbreak within the herd.
When Should You Not Breed?
Breeding is a process with many variables and factors. Such factors include the environment, the size of the herd, the health of individual rabbits, the health of buck and doe, your personal preference, or other personal circumstances.
You will find some breeders breeding all year round while other breeders only breed during specific months or seasons. However, most breeders take precautions to ensure that their buck does not get too close to a doe’s hindquarters and will only breed rabbits within certain time frames both for their safety and for the safety of their rabbit.
How to Breed a Rabbit
If you do decide to breed your rabbits and want to get started, simply buy rabbit supplies and give the buck a doe's food each day in a separate location from the doe's feed. This will help them to choose their mate. After two weeks, the buck should be ready to mate the doe, who should have been bred on her own.
The buck may try to mate her again during this period; if he does so, she then becomes his "beloved" bunny and will mate with him for at least another six months. Once she reaches her seventh month, however, she is ready to be bred again and should then be separated from him.
Basic Tips for Breeding
A buck has a strong sex drive and may become aggressive towards you if you get too close to his doe during the breeding season. He will even attempt to mate with you!
A pregnant doe can have a nervous disposition; therefore, it is best not to handle her too often during this period. Gestation lasts from 30-32 days and you must make sure the cage is properly prepared for when she gives birth.
Is It Safe to Breed?
Breeding rabbits requires proper preparation and annual vaccination. The doe should be vaccinated in two parts at separate times: eight weeks before breeding and two weeks after. If she gets too close to her buck, she may be able to get his scent on her and become pregnant by him.
Thus, you must vaccinate the doe for any diseases that may be prevalent in your area as well as for tetanus (T), and influenza (Flu) and boost their immunity before the breeding season begins. You should not breed if your buck seems restless or naughty. You must always watch both rabbits at all times during breeding and after so that you can verify that they are both healthy and neither become aggressive.
The doe also needs to be properly conditioned to hold still during mating as well as be able to recognize the male's smell. A small piece of rabbit food (about the size of a toothpick) can be put in her cage so she can get used to its smell and taste. This technique may take a couple of weeks but will ensure that they mate safely and mate regularly.
Is Rabbit Pregnant?
If your doe gives birth within the first week, then you are most probably expecting baby bunnies. However, there is a good chance that she will carry the bunnies for longer than this period and may not give birth at all.
If you see no changes in your doe's stomach during this period, then you should take her to a vet to make sure she does not have any health problems or infections that are preventing her from giving birth. Also, check for hormones and other biological issues that may lead to miscarriages in female rabbits.
Baby Rabbits
Baby rabbits are called kits, fuzzies, or squirts. They are blind and born with eyes that open after about six days. They are about four inches in size and weigh about one ounce at birth. Their fur is white, but it grows its colour over the next few weeks. A rabbit kit will not have claws yet (they don't need them to climb).
You can help them out by cutting their nails or putting them in a clean cage with a soft nest and cardboard nest box so they can feel safe during this time of extreme vulnerability. You should also warm up their food every day so they aren't cold when they start eating solid food soon after birth.
Weaning Your kits
Baby rabbits can start eating solids as soon as they are born, but you should not give them regular food. Instead, you should mix rabbit pellets with their mother's milk or formula to give them the proper nutrition. Eventually, you can soak the child's food in water before serving it to them so they can swallow it more easily.
Is It Time to Wean?
Weaning is the process of removing a baby rabbit from its mother or other adult rabbits. A kit will naturally want to start eating solid food and consuming water when it is about two weeks old. You can start by placing some pellets in a bowl with water, which will encourage them to start eating their food.
You should never give solid foods before this period as they are not able to digest solids at an early age, and it may cause serious issues with their growth and development. You can keep the female rabbit with her kits until they reach adulthood, but you should separate all adult rabbits as soon as possible to prevent fighting and injury.
Choosing a Cage
Large Rabbit Cages are great for indoor rabbits as they provide plenty of space to play with their cage mates and are easier to keep clean. The amount of space will vary depending on the number and size of rabbits in your cage. Baby, juvenile, and adult rabbits require more space as they tend to jump higher and move about faster.
Space will also depend on the type of rabbit house you have: wired or solid-bottom cages. Wire cages allow your rabbit to roam freely throughout his enclosure while solid-bottom cages provide easy cleanup via a removable bottom tray. Rabbits who live outdoors require even more space than indoor pets due to the freedom they have to exercise and socialize with one another.
Training the Baby Rabbit Kits
You can teach your kits to use their litter box and by teaching them to use baby wipes and a water bottle, you can make sure that getting their needs met is less messy for you. They will learn how to use these items within a few weeks of life. They will be able to eat solid foods within a week or two and can start drinking from the water bottle at about ten days of age.
Skin Problems
The skin of a rabbit can develop problems such as sores or infections. This is normally caused by stress, lack of sunlight, exposure to chemicals, and certain medications. These can be treated by simple grooming or cleaning as needed with a damp towel or baby wipes.
If these problems are left untreated, they may become worse and lead to more serious health issues including eye infections, mouth infections, ear diseases, and even pneumonia. If you suspect that your rabbit has an infection or sores on their body, you should take them in to see a veterinarian immediately so they can be properly diagnosed and treated.